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Textured Virus Blanket Free Crochet Pattern

One of my absolute favourite stitch patterns is the virus stitch, I also love blankets with texture, so I have combined them to create this lovely textured version of a virus blanket.

Find the written pattern along with some helpful picture guides below.

It’s completely adaptable to your preferences of texture with the ability to change the placement and direction, add more, add less, or even totally remove if you wish by simply switching between Fpdc/Bpdc/Dc.


You can use any weight yarn with corresponding hook size. 150g DK yarn will make a blanket approximately 25″ square

I have used DK yarn with a 5mm hook for bright colours see pictures in gallery above.

I have used 4ply & dk mixed with a 4mm hook for pastels colours see pictures in gallery above.


Mr tutorial can be found here

Tutorials for Sc and Dc can be found here

Bpdc and Fpdc tutorials can be found here


Mr = Magic ring
Sc = single crochet
Dc = double crochet
Bpdc = back post double crochet
Fpdc = front post double crochet
Slst = slip stitch
St = stitch
XDc = X dc’s in the next st
DcX = dc in next X stitches
skx = skip x stitches
()x = repeat instruction
**x = repeat instruction
{} additional information
[] Stitch count

In all above instructions X counts as any number eg 2Dc, Dc10, sk5.

Note: For the first few repeats your work may seem ‘wobbly’ and not lie flat, this is normal! As the project grows it will start to lie flat naturally.


  1. Mr or Ch4 slst to 1st to make a ring
  2. Ch3, Dc9 into ring, Slst to top Ch3 [10Dc]
  3. Ch4, (Dc, Ch1)9, Slst to 3rd Ch of Ch4 [10dc, 10ch1]
  4. Ch2, Fpdc around same stitch, 3Dc in chsp, (Fpdc, 3Dc in chsp)9 Slst to 1st Fpdc [10Fpdc 30Dc]
  5. Ch4, Dc Ch1 (Fpdc in the middle Dc of 3Dc from round4, Ch1, *Dc, Ch1*3 )9, Fpdc, Ch1, Dc Ch1, Slst to 3rd Ch of Ch4 [10Fpdc Ch1, 30Dc Ch1]
Rounds 1-5 completed
  1. Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp (*Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp*3 *Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp*2 )4 skip last Ch5&Sc, Slst into 1st Ch5loop [8 Ch5loops, 12 Ch3loops]. See below picture for the beginning of round 6.
Beginning of round 6
  1. Ch3, 9Dc in ch5loop (Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next ch3loop, 10Dc into each Ch5loop [20Dc across 2 loops])4, skip last 10Dc in Ch5loop{completed at start of round} Slst to Ch3 [20Dc in each ‘corner’ 8 Ch3 loops].See below pictures for the beginning of round 7, and for noticing the Sc before the Ch3, this Sc is never worked.
Beginning of round 7
Noticing the SC before the ch3
  1. Ch3, Dc9 (Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Dc20)4 skip last Dc10, Slst to Ch3 [20Dc in each ‘corner’ 4 Ch3loops]. See below picture for the beginning of round 8.
Beginning of round 8

Colour change here to make the texture pop. It is optional to colour change. On a non textured virus blanket you would normally change colour after the next round.

  1. Ch2, Bpdc around same st, Ch1, (Bpdc ch1)8, Bpdc, *skip Ch3loop, (Bpdc Ch1)19, Bpdc*4 skip last 10 Bpdc ch1, Slst to 1st Bpdc [80Bpdc 76Ch1]. See below pictures for skipping the ch3 loop.


  1. Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp *(Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, Ch5, Sc into 3rd Chsp, (Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, (Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp)2 *4, skip last Ch5&Sc, Slst into Ch5loop [12 Ch5loops 24 Ch3loops]. See below picture for Ch5, Sc into 3rd Chsp, hook points to the 3rd Chsp.
Ch5, sc into the 3rd chsp
  1. Ch3, 9Dc in Ch5loop, *Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, 10Dc in Ch5loop, Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, 10Dc in each Ch5loop [20Dc across 2 loops]*4, skip last 10Dc in Ch5loop, Slst to Ch3 [120Dc 16Ch3loops]
  2. Ch3, Dc9, (Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Dc10, Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Dc20)4, sk last Dc10, Slst to Ch3 [120Dc 8Ch3loops]
    Change colour here
  3. Ch2, Bpdc around same st, Ch1, (Bpdc, Ch1)8, Bpdc, *sk Ch3loop, (Dc, Ch1)9, Dc, sk Ch3loop, (Bpdc, Ch1)19, Bpdc*4, sk last 10 Bpdc Ch1, Slst to 1st Bpdc [120Bpdc 112Ch1]
  4. Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp, *(Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, Ch5, Sc into 3rd Chsp)2, (Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, (Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp)2 *4, sk last Ch5&Sc, Slst into Ch5loop
  5. Ch3, 9dDc in Ch5loop, *(Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, 10Dc in Ch5loop)2, Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, (10Dc in Ch5loop)2, [20Dc across 2 loops]*4, sk last 10Dc, Slst to Ch3
  1. Ch3, Dc9, *(Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Dc10)2, Sc in 1st Ch3loop, Ch3, Sc in next Ch3loop, Dc20*4, sk last Dc10, Slst to Ch3
    Change colour here
  2. Ch4, (Dc Ch1)8, Dc, *(sk Ch3loop, (Bpdc, Ch1)9, Bpdc)2, sk Ch3loop, (Dc, Ch1)19, Dc*4, sk last 10 Dc, Ch1, Slst to Ch3


To continue from here repeat rounds 10-17 increasing your work by 1 shell on each side every round.

The basic pattern follows a 4 round repeat (10-13), for the textured part I have alternated between textured sides and corners each repeat, creating an 8 round repeat.

If you come across any issues from here, please do let me know and I will do what I can to help.

I hope you enjoy creating your own Textured Virus Blanket.

share your makes with me on Instagram using #texturedvirus & #amethystormcrochet. You can also tag me @amethystormcrochet.

A huge thank you to my wonderful testers who have all been credited to their pictures in the above gallery 💕.

Happy hooking 💕

I hope you’re enjoying my crochet journey, if you’d like to help support me to continue providing content and new patterns which take much time, effort and love please support me by buying me a coffee. Your support means so much 💕

26 thoughts on “Textured Virus Blanket Free Crochet Pattern”

  1. Pingback: Textured Virus Blanket – AmethyStormCrochet

    1. Hi happy to explain, you’ll repeat the DC Ch1 3 times then go back to the beginning of the first bracket starting with a fpdc and repeat the whole section another 9 times, hope that clears it up, don’t hesitate to ask for additional help if you need it 🙂

  2. Hi! I am pretty new to crochet and I have a question about row 14:

    I do the chain 5 into the 2nd chain space, chain 3 into the 2nd chain space (x3), chain 5 into the 3rd chain space (x2), chain 3 into the 2nd chain space (x3), chain 5 into the 2nd chain space (x2).

    It says to do all of this ^^^ four times but no matter how many times I attempt this row only doing it four times does not take me all the way around, and even if I ignore that and keep repeating the pattern it does not come out evenly (I have an extra chain space).

    Am I not reading the pattern correctly? or do you think I screwed up in the row below?

    Thank you for the pattern – it is super fun! And thanks for your help!

    1. Hi lovely, from your explanation it looks like you are reading correctly, round 14 is basically a repeat of round 10 with an extra *(ch3 sc into 2nd chsp)3, ch5 sc into 3rd chsp* to account for the growing sides. I think it would be best to check your stitch count for the end of round 13 and make sure you have the right count. Then take another look. I have a virus blanket nearby so if you’re still stuck you can message me through the Facebook chat and we can exchange some pictures to help you get through the problem round. I’m glad you’re enjoying the pattern 💕

    1. Hi Laurie, in honesty that is entirely optional based on your texture preference you can work bpdc for all DC stitches which will give you the texture all the way round or as the pattern is written to have alternating texture so one repeat bpdc is only on the corners the next repeat it is bpdc only along the sides. I think it looks and feels fabulous either way. So go with what you feel is best for you, hope you’re enjoying the pattern 💕

  3. I am having trouble with row 14. I counted the previous row and the count is correct. I checked to be sure I followed pattern correctly and counted it out and I’m coming up with two extra chains at the end.

    1. I can only think that there’s either a ch3 or a Ch5 missing somewhere on this round especially if your count from the last round is correct. It’s difficult to tell, would you be able to send me a picture of the whole round either via email or the Facebook chat pop up it may be easier for me to help and find where the problem has occurred if I can see 🙂

    1. Hi lovely, I’ve sent you an email to the address you’ve used to comment, hopefully we’ll be able to get to the bottom of the issue and get you moving forward with the pattern 😊

  4. I need some clarification of the first part of round 9. What do you mean by “same stitch”? I understand the BPDC bit but I don’t understand where I’m supposed to do it.

    1. Hi, that stitch is to be done around the stitch at the bottom of the chain(which is the ch3 at the beginning of round 8). Hope that clears it up 🙂

  5. hi I am very new to the crochet world and very brave to tackle this project. So far your instructions is really clear and I can follow. I am a the end of row 17 and wondering how do I increase my work by one shell on each side every round
    Thank you very much.

    Do you have a video tutorial for this


    1. Hi Divinia,

      So sorry for the delayed response, so glad you are enjoying the pattern, for row 18 please see the following instruction: Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp, *(Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, Ch5, Sc into 3rd Chsp)3, (Ch3, Sc into 2nd Chsp)3, (Ch5, Sc into 2nd Chsp)2 *4, sk last Ch5&Sc, Slst into Ch5loop. You will notice this is the same as round 10 and round 14 except that there is an extra ch5 and 3 ch3s on each side, this is so that the blanket grows in size. Hope this makes sense and helps you to continue.
      Unfortunately I do not have a video tutorial for this pattern.

  6. Pingback: Beautiful Virus Crochet Blanket Ideas - Pattern Center

  7. Pingback: Virus Blanket Crochet Patterns • Free Crochet Tutorials and Patterns

  8. Pingback: Beautiful Virus Crochet Blanket Ideas

  9. Pingback: Mutated Virus, Free Crochet Patterns - Your Crochet

  10. I am also stuck on row 14. The chain 5s do not line up with row 13. I have tried the row 4 times and also took the whole thing apart and tried it again my count for row 13 is correct you have 120Bpdc down for 13 which should be 80bpdc and 40dc. I am using a size 5hook. None of the “eye holes” line up with the row before.

    1. Hi, so sorry it’s taken so long to respond I’ve been offline a while due to some health issues.
      If it helps round 14 is the same process as round 10, so you can check the photos and what you did in that round. The ch5 loops should be 2 in each corner and 1 in between the ‘dip’ in the last row, they shouldn’t line up with the row below as in each repeat you gain an additional ch5 loop per side to allow the size to grow. If you need any additional assistance and would like to send pictures so I can see better to assist you, please feel free to message me through facebook/Instagram or send me an email and I’ll get back to you ASAP. 🙂
      There should be 120 stitches 80 bpdc and 40dc you’re right, thanks for noticing the error there and letting me know, I’ll update that.


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